
Chinese Bhel

170.00 153.00

Chinese Bhel is an enticing fusion snack that blends the vibrancy of Chinese flavors with the crispiness of traditional Bhel.


Chinese Bhel is an enticing fusion snack that blends the vibrancy of Chinese flavors with the crispiness of traditional Bhel. This delightful dish features a medley of crispy noodles, colorful vegetables, and a zesty mix of sauces that dance on the palate. The crunch of fried noodles complements the freshness of shredded veggies, creating a symphony of textures. With a perfect balance of sweet, spicy, and tangy notes, Chinese Bhel is a savory delight that caters to adventurous taste buds. Elevate your snacking experience with this unique and flavorful combination, a surefire hit for those seeking a tantalizing culinary adventure.

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